sporting fiats club Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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If you agree to the terms and conditions stated below, press the "Agree" button. Otherwise, press "Cancel".

In order to use these forums, users are required to provide a username, password and e-mail address. Neither the administrators of these forums, nor the moderators participating, are responsible for the privacy practices of any user. Remember that all information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to share any of your personal information. Any user who finds material posted by another user objectionable is encouraged to contact us via e-mail.
We are authorised by you to remove or modify any data submitted by you to these forums for any reason we feel constitutes a violation of our policies, whether stated, implied or not.

This site may contain links to other web sites and files. We have no control over the content and can not ensure it will not be offensive or objectionable. We will, however, remove links to material that we feel is inappropriate as we become aware of them.

These forums give users two options for changing and modifying information that they provide in their profile:

Users can login with their username and password to change any information in their profile.
In case of lost password, users can send an e-mail to the site administrators

Cookies must be turned on in your browser to participate as a user in these forums. Cookies are used here to hold your username and password and viewing options, allowing you to login.

By pressing the “Agree” button, you are registering to become a Net Member of the Sporting Fiats Club (SFC), which carries no subscription fee, and you agree to abide by our site rules and Club Constitution. Net Membership privileges are restricted in comparison with Full Membership. You will find the definitions, rules and privileges within a copy of the current Constitution in the Club Area of the site.

By registering you agree not to use the site for direct business, trade, promotion or advertising of any kind without prior written approval from the Site Administrator and Sporting Fiats Club Chairman. Nor will links to other sites, pop-ups, personal data mining, and direct promotional communications with the express intention of advertising to, or exploiting Sporting Fiats Club Members, in any way be tolerated. You are encouraged to report any instances of transgressions to the site administrators and moderators.

Please note that individual Net Members are invited to include personal ‘Home Page’ and ‘Cool Links’ favourites on their registration form as a means of providing interest and additional information to the Membership – links to business or club sites are allowed if the site allows passive browsing of its content.
(By 'passive browsing' we mean that a site so linked does not leave any form of software on Members' computers that updates any item, or itself, without clear notice to the user and explicit user permission at the time of update. Nor should it then automatically process information about the Member for any purposes without explicit user consent.)
Removal of offending site links is at the complete discretion of the site administration and SFC Committee.

For trade professionals and Members as customers - Sporting Fiats Club welcomes the involvement of individual trade professionals in the club, in particular their experience and advice. Providing in any discussions or communications with Members it is made clear that you are acting professionally, and that in any quotations for items or work you are prepared to provide two alternative independent reliable sources. Any potential conflicts of interest should be declared (as required of all Members under the Club Constitution).

By pressing the "Agree" button, you agree that you, the user, are 13 years of age or over. You are fully responsible for any information or file supplied as the user. You confirm that you are an individual and not acting on behalf of an organisation, group, union or other club of any kind.
You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is not owned by yourself or Sporting Fiats Club, (the owner of these forums and site). If you reference any third party information, you agree to do so only after you gain permission from the owner and acknowledge their ownership in your posts. You agree to freely share your posted information and materials with Sporting Fiats Club so that the site content may be used in other club communications, and under the Sporting Fiats Club copyright.

In your use of these forums, you agree that you will not post any information which is vulgar, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any UK laws.

If you do agree with the rules and policies stated in this agreement, and meet the criteria stated herein, proceed to press the "Agree" button below, otherwise press "Cancel".

If you have any queries about this policy please contact the Site Administrator

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